sábado, 17 de março de 2012


I'm thirsty for blood, I have to feed, now is my nature to kill to survive!
I had what I wanted! I thirst for blood!
Living in the dark, live in a different reality where I burn in the sun. I can not see the light of day! I gained strength but with her weakness too!
I am not immortal, I can die, but not as someone who has the hot blood. My blood is cold now, I'm already dead, and only die with a real stake in my chest.
I do not feel cold or fear. I am one of the strongest creatures, have the hot body apezar to have cold blood.
Now I live through the night, my friends is a raven and a wolf. How can I be friends with someone who can kill me? I do not know but I feel that wolf, I can trust.
I'm hungry, I have to hunt. I choose my prey.
I want to stop killing innocent people but can not, is stronger than me.
And where is the person I morphed it? It should help me, but he was gone, I'm alone, as before.
But there's a difference now I am the daughter of the night!
I thirst for blood!
Kill to survive!
And I'm still in love with a vampire named Stefan, without even knowing if it exists!
I thirst for blood and he alone will be able to help me!
Night my mother comforts me in the arms of darkness. I give myself to danger. Die for you!
Night! My mother, my house and brings darkness and let me live in it!
Until I know who made ​​me, I owe my immortality to him!
I thirst for blood.
Now I will rest in the arms of darkness, and death as a friend!
A wolf!

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